Quinoa with pomegranate

Quinoa with pomegranate

This is one of my absolute favorites. It is not exactly a cheap salad to make but super simple and the kids love it – most likely because of the sweet pomegranate. This is indeed a fruit out of the ordinary. It is both sweet and sour and very colorful. People have asked how you peel it, which is very simple. You just cut it up and peel out the seeds. Some say this is easier when submerged in water. I don’t think so. Anyway – have a go! It is sooo super tasty.


100 ml. quinoa, white or mixed with red

200 g rinsed rocket salad

150 g crumbled feta cheese

seeds of 1 pomegranate

100 g roasted pine nuts (not essential)

1 ripe diced avocado (not essential)

juice of 1/3 squeezed lemon

2 dl olive oil



Rinse the quinoa in cold water. The outer shell contains a bitterness that you need to rinse off – put it in water, rub well and rinse under cold water and dran. Cook the quinoa in 1.5 dl water for about 10 minutes with a bit of salt, turn off the heat and let it stand for another 15 minutes. Let it cool. This can be done well advance – even a day ahead. 

Rinse the salad, crumble the feta cheese, roast the pine nuts until tanned – no oil needed and let them cool, peel the pomegranate, dice the avocado and mix it all up. 

Whisk up the lemon and oil until it emulsifies and add a bit of salt. Mix with the salad. 

That’s it!!

I know it can seem a bit overwhelming with the quinoa – but once you have done it the first time – you will find it very easy. 

Generally, we have this salad for a variety of meals…bbq’s, filled peppers, meats, chicken…it pretty much goes with anything. It is also great for a buffet.