Crispy salad with what I had on hand

Crispy salad with what I had on hand

My point is – you can mix up a great salad with fresh greens as long as the sauce is good. This time I had a bit of celery, capsicum peppers, cucumber, a few spring onions, feta cheese, rocket salad and olives. But many combinations 

Fish and shellfish

Fish and shellfish

We love fish in our family and we usually eat the whole lot when cooked. But once in a while some is left over. Don’t throw it away. You can easily use the cook fish as an appetizer mixing it with mayonnaise, onions and perhaps 

Creamed smoked salmon pasta

Creamed smoked salmon pasta

I while back, I bought a big smoked salmon on sale with the intention of preparing a few consecutive dishes. Meanwhile, something came in the way, I ended up only using a bit but put the reaming salmon in the freezer. Seeing it today – 



Honestly, I was never a big fan of zucchini. I find it a bit bland and there are so many other vegetables which have more taste – so why zucchini? Well – I have had to revise my stand a bit. When my daughter decided 



I admit – we always have bread in the house. We love bread! However, we don’t always finish the loaf before we get a new one and the last bit sometimes seems to be left behind in the basket ending up a bit hard. I